Both sides of this reversible, handcrafted, game table features classic western details. The circular poker tabletop is covered with green felt, and the felt is surrounded with padded, natural colored, full grain leather. We also have red felt available. The western style top has an inner circular design made of individual finished timber, and it is adorned with silver-plated conchos. The side of the table is embellished with patterned, full grain leather, and the leather is precision tacked to the frame with decorative gilt nails. The base of the top is adorned with a carved, twist rope design. It rest on a robust turned pedestal, and it is supported by four, curved, carved legs. The solid wood table may be accompanied with a variety of our handcrafted chairs, including the Fortuna Poker 2 chair
(CHR69). It has a mahogany finish, and it is 100% customizable.