Chair Vaquero Horseshoe 8 chr74k-1
Chair Vaquero Horseshoe 8 chr74k-2
Chair Vaquero Horseshoe 8 chr74k-3
Chair Vaquero Horseshoe 8 chr74k-1
Chair Vaquero Horseshoe 8 chr74k-2
Chair Vaquero Horseshoe 8 chr74k-3


Vaquero Horseshoe 8

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Bring gorgeous color to your home décor with this beautiful handcrafted chair. The padded seat, the inside seatback, and the padded armrest are upholstered with brilliant red, full grain leather. The reverse seatback and its lateral sides are upholstered with floral patterned, full grain leather. The upholstery is double stitched together for extra strength and durability, and it is also precision-tacked to the solid wood frame with decorative gilt nails. Each front armrest is embellished with a wood panel, and the panel is adorned with a forged iron ring and exquisite, carved, scroll designs. The entire base is enriched with forged iron conchos. The chair rest on a durable quadripartite revolving support. It is 100% customizable, and it may be accompanied with a custom-made pillow

Dimesions: 36" W x 33" H x 34" D

Availability: By order