Bench Las Botas bch60-1
Bench Las Botas bch60-2
Bench Las Botas bch60-3
Bench Las Botas bch60-1
Bench Las Botas bch60-2
Bench Las Botas bch60-3


Las Botas

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This marvelous, handcrafted, Western style bench is designed without a back, and it features padded armrests on each side of its wide, rectangular seat. The padded seat and the armrests are upholstered with rugged, patterned, full grain leather, and there are hand sewn details on each side of the seat. The junctions of the leather are painstaking sewn together with a leather cord, and the upholstery is precision hand tacked to the frame with decorative, gilt nails. The top of the solid wood frame is adorned with an elegant, hand carved, twist rope design, and centered in the frame is a bridge like gap. One each side of the centered gap are three, hand carved, cowboy boots, and each boot has a leather toe strap. The upper part of the boots are finished in a faded, turquoise stain, and the hand carved, cowboy boot design is repeated on the lateral sides of the bench. The lower part of the frame is embellished with a robust, hand carved, twist rope design. The bench is made with the best, sustainable, solid wood available, and it is 100% customizable.

Dimesions: 60" W x 19" H x 18" D

Availability: By order