With it magnificent, hand carved, longhorn steer head with horns, this handcrafted, Western style console will be a wonderful addition to your Western décor. The open, wide top of the console is embellished with an inner, rectangular design that is covered with luminous, hand hammered copper. The copper design is contrasted by simulated, crocodile, full grain leather that borders the copper. The leather is hand tacked to the solid wood frame of the console with decorative, dark nails. The front of this console has a large apron, and the apron is adorned with a marvelous, hand carved, longhorn steer head with dramatic horns. Each side of the front of the apron also has a graceful, hand carved, scroll design, and the lower part of the apron is enhanced with exquisite, hand carved, floral and scroll designs. The console is supported by beautiful, hand turned legs that taper at their ends. It has an antique, dark finish, and the console is made with the best, sustainable, solid wood available. It is 100% customizable.